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The Above Picture is some of Connie's Spot© Crochet Patterns© All Patterns are Available at my Shop on ETSY Welcome to the Multiple Award-Winning Connie's Spot© & Connie Hughes Designs© Crocheting Blog! Check out Connie's New Endeavor Paper Crafting-Journals!! Now in our 11th Year We Want to Thank All Our Customers/Friends Who Have Helped Us Grow with Thousands of Pattern Sales/Downloads, and Over "ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS" from All Over the World!!!

If you are new to Connie's Spot© make sure to take the time to follow Connie's Spot© Her Patterns are available at her shop on Etsy. Check out Connie's Spot© Blog Archive of 300+Posts!! That includes Free Crochet Patterns from Connie Hughes Designs© Free Recipes, New Paper Crafting-Journals, Decorating Tips, & Poetry!

As always Connie's Spot© is free of Pop-Ups and Invasive Ads...so take your time and explore her blog post archives its loaded with gems...most of all enjoy! Connie's Spot© will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on the Advertiser/Sponsor Links. This helps cover the cost for providing free patterns! Thanks for Visiting Connie's Spot© Blog!!

Connie's Spot© Crocheting & Connie Hughes Designs© Characters, Photo's, Designs & Patterns are All Copyright© Protected All Rights Reserved.

Shop Connies Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handmade Journals on Etsy!!

Shop Connies Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handmade Journals on Etsy!!
Shop Connie's Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handcrafted Journals on Etsy!! 995 Sales of Finished Products & Patterns Plus Over 100 5-Star Reviews!! To All Our Customers Thank You!!! Just Click on the Picture above to take you to my shop on Etsy!

Now Over ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS!! To All Our Friends, Followers Customers & Visitors Welcome!!

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"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes Now available on my Etsy Shop!

"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes Now available on my Etsy Shop!
"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes, I have to say this is one of my favorites for sure. I really love this one, because it's a great size. Big enough to write on and small enough to carry inside a bag and take it with you. Now available on my Etsy Shop!

Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!!
Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!! I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Connie's Spot© has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Crochet Blogs on the Web!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded Top 80 Crochet Blog Award!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded Top 80 Crochet Blog Award!!
"Top 80 Crochet Blogs" By AmsterdamDiary.com: Originality★★★★ Design★★★★★ Social Media★★★★★

Connie's Spot©

Connie's Spot©
Recipient of the One Lovely Blog Award...Thank You Crochet is the Way!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chip & Cookie Christmas Gingerbread Crochet Doll Pattern© Updated!!

Chip & Cookie Christmas Gingerbread Crochet Doll Pattern© Updated!!
By Connie Hughes Designs©

→"New Christmas Lantern Pattern"←
This is a new little pattern I've added to my Gingerbread Dolls...
as a way to say thank you to all of those who purchased
Chip & Cookie this Christmas
Thank You!
Plus This will be included for all new pattern purchases!
I really wanted them to carry a lantern...
So I racked my brain and finally came up with this...
I love the soft glow that the battery powered tea lights give!
 Here is a Nightgown I made for my Doll...I changed her clothes and
then put her back on the stand...so don't be afraid to make
other outfits, if you want too!
Here are her little Mouse Slippers I made!
It's not Christmas if you don't have a
Christmas Mouse...and she has hers tucked inside of her pocket...
and he loves candy canes!

 Turn on your ovens it's Gingerbread time.
This is Chip & Cookie and they are getting ready for Christmas!
They are 25" Tall!!
A couple of Christmas's ago I made a Gingerbread family...I went
to look at them and realized that I had sold them at last year's
Craft Fair...so I decided to make some more...but then I
thought " I want them to be a bit bigger...so this is
my new Gingerbread Doll Pattern!

Cookie is wearing a green holiday jumper with a sweet
little apron & chef hat!

Although it's on a base the doll is removable!
So you can make different outfits.
They are perfect for display or you can simply make
an adorable plush huggable...they are 25" tall...the
pattern comes with a step by step picture tutorial...and honestly
you won't believe how easy they are to make! 
 Chip is wearing these cute festive Overall's and his
apron and chef hat!
Pattern also comes with a Mini Gingerbread House, Pastry Bag
and Rolling Pin...to add a little whimsy to your Holiday Display!

I hope you enjoy the things I’ve made as much as I’ve enjoyed making them!
The Chip & Cookie Gingerbread Crochet Doll Pattern© Updated
Is Still Available for Only $2.99 at Connie's Spot© Shop on Etsy
or Click the buy now link below:

Also Available is my smaller Christmas Gingerbread Doll Family Pattern©
Only $1.99 Click the buy now link below:

And The Christmas Gingerbread, Halloween Haunted & Little Girls House Pattern©
Only $5 Click the buy now link below:

To Purchase the Crochet Christmas Grinch Inspired Dolls & Chair Pattern©
for only $2.99 Just Click on the buy now button below:
(If you tried earlier the link has been fixed)

Here are a few more of my popular Christmas Patterns:
Jingle the Christmas Elf Crochet Doll Pattern©
Is Available for Only $1.99 
Just Click the buy now link below:

Bells the Christmas Elf Pattern©
Only $1.99 Click the buy now link below:

Thanks for Supporting Connie's Spot©!!

Connie’s Spot©
Connie Hughes Designs©
Connie Hughes Owner/Designer
Characters, Photos, Patterns & Designs
Are Copyright Protected All Rights Reserved.

Easy DIY Projects for this Christmas!

Easy DIY Projects for this Christmas!
Dressing up for the Holidays...it's easy to take
ordinary to extraordinaire!
Add beautiful ribbon and some garland...and you have
a beautiful lantern to greet guest at the door...
The flickering candle light is gorgeous!
Holiday Ribbons & Trims 
Be careful if using a real candle, not to make your ribbon to long...you could
use a battery powered candle and then you don't have to worry.Craftsy
"Glitter Trees"
These Glitter Trees are so pretty and super easy to make...I simply brushed
on Mod Podge, poured the glitter over the glue...shook off the
excess glitter (sprinkle the glitter over something so that you can
pour the excess glitter back inside the container).
I placed my trees on top of my martini glasses...I
had these small ornaments that I wasn't using...so I added them and
added a battery powered tea light to the inside.
As you can see here it gives off a very pretty glow!
The Love & Joy are from Michaels Craft Store...
They were by the little trees and little tree ornaments...
I just hot glued them on to the top of the trees!
Here is all you need to make these trees...they are
truly that simple and I love how they look...they are perfect to
add a little pizzazz to any room in the house!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Free Crochet Christmas Accessories Patterns©

"Here's My New Free Christmas Crochet Patterns©"
Fun & Cute Christmas Crochet Accessories!
Christmas Mailbox, Christmas Polar Bear, & Christmas Candle!
By Connie Hughes Designs©
The Christmas Mailbox will be so fun for little one's to check every day...to see if
Santa's been there to leave a little surprise...and there's a fun little
Christmas Polar Bear who's super easy to make...Also I saw a lot of crochet candles online
but none of them that I saw actually light up...but this Christmas Candle does!

 This is a battery powered Flickering Tea Light!
Because this post has several different patterns, I've colored each project.
Christmas Mailbox: Red
Christmas Polar Bear: Blue
Christmas Candle: Green

This whimsical mailbox is easy to make...although it does take some time to make it...but imagine the little one's eyes light up when they see the candy cane flag in the up position...you can really delight the little one's in your life with special treats and letters from the big guy. If making it for a small child to play with, be careful with small parts and maybe leave them off entirely.

Materials used to make the Christmas Mailbox:
1 Skein of Super Saver Cherry Red Yarn/Tiny Amount of Green
(2 Sheets Darice:
7 count clear extra stiff plastic canvas
Dimensions: 12 x 18 inches)
White Rick Rack
Hot Glue
2 1" Buttons (one for the front door of box, and one for the flag)
Sewing Needle & Thread
1 festive Button to fit on top of the 1" button
Mini Strand of Christmas Lights
Mod Podge
Small Piece of Ribbon
G Hook

To make Santa's Mailbox G Hook
To make the Bottom & the Arch of the box: with Cherry Red & G Hook

Row 1. 1sc in 35sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-22. repeat row 1
Row 23. 1sc in FLO in 35sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 24. 1sc in each st around.
Rows 25-47. repeat row 24 and FO,
Cut out a piece of plastic canvas to fit inside to make the bottom of the box.
Row 1. Reattach yarn with a sl st, ch1, wk 1sc all the way around.
Now to make the arch you can FO or you can turn your piece slightly and wk in the unworked sts of row 23.

Row 2. wk 1sc in 36sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-53. repeat row 2
Row 54. 1sc in 36sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 55. wk 1sc in the FLO in 36sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 56. 1sc in each st, ch1 & turn.
Repeat row 56 until it reaches the bottom where the fold is and FO.
Trim your canvas to fit...wk 1sc through front & back pieces to join like in the photo.

Trim a piece of plastic canvas to fit along the curve and inside the fold. Sew the flap to the inside of the box like in the photo below.
Seal up one side and then put the canvas in and seal up the other side.

When the sides are done, sew up the opening.

To make the Back & Front Doors of Mailbox: (make 4)

Row 1. 1sc in 19sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-13. repeat row 1
Row 14. dec1sc, 1sc in 15, dec1sc, ch1 & turn.
Row 15. 1sc in 17sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 16. dec1sc, 1sc in 13, dec1sc, ch1 & turn.
Row 17. 1sc in 15sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 18. dec1sc, 1sc in 11, dec1sc, ch1 & turn.
Row 19. dec1sc 2x, 1sc in 5, dec1sc 2x, ch1 & turn.
Row 20. dec1sc 2x, 1sc in 1, dec1sc 2x.
Cut out and trim 1 piece of plastic canvas to fit in between the 2 mailbox
door panels.
Row 21. wk 1sc all the way around both doors, FO.
Sew the back door to the back of the mailbox. Sew the front door along the bottom only. So the door can be opened.

To make the button hole & strap on the Front Door:
The button below has a smaller button glued on in the center.

Row 1. 1sc in 4, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-8. repeat row 1
Row 9. 2sc, 1sc in 2, 2sc, turn.
Row 10. ch6, 1sl st in the last st, ch1 & turn.
Row 11. wk 1sc in each st, ch1 & turn.
Row 12. repeat row 11 and FO.
Sew the front end without the button on top of the mailbox. Sew the button on to the front door of the box.
Once your mailbox is done...you can decorate it however you like...I glued Christmas lights above and around the front door. First I decided where my Rick Rack was going to be put, then I hot glued my lights in place. After I was done with that I then glued my Rick Rack down. I cut out a long piece of green yarn, I dipped it into the Mod Podge using my fingers to remove the excess. I laid it out on a piece of foil to dry, making sure to give the strand some waves. Once it dries
place a small drop of hot glue to the backs of each light and attach the yarn. Do this all the way across.

To make the Mailbox Flag: with Red Yarn & F Hook

Row 1. 1sc in 6, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-3. repeat row 1
Row 4. 1sc in 1, ch4, skip 4sts, 1sc in the last st, ch1 & turn.
Row 5. 1sc in 6sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 6-14. repeat row 5 and FO.
I found this cute candy cane at my Craft Store...so I used it to make the flag. Attaching a button it makes the flag move up and down.
To make the small green pocket: with a C Hook
Row 1. 1sc in 6sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-6. repeat row 1 and FO.
Sew the two sides onto the red piece for the flag, leaving the top and bottom open to slide the candy cane in.
You can lay it down like in photo below or take it out.

To make the Wreath on the Mailbox: with Green & F Hook

Ch50 join & ch1
Row 1. 1sc in 49sts, join & ch1.
Rows 2-4. repeat row 1 and FO.
You don't have to sew it or anything because the wreath will kind of roll up on it's own. I hot glued the wreath to one side of my box, I then glued on a bow. I printed out Letters to Santa on my computer. I cut it out and cut a piece of scrap book paper using pinking scissors. Hot glued a corner of the paper to my wreath.

To make the Envelope: with White Yarn & F Hook

Row 1. 2sc in the 2nd st from the hook, ch1 & turn.
Row 2. 2sc, 2sc, ch1 & turn-4sts.
Row 3. 1sc in 4sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 4. 2sc, 1sc in 2, 2sc, ch1 & turn-6sts.
Row 5. 1sc in 6sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 6. 2sc, 1sc in 4, 2sc, ch1 & turn-8sts.
Row 7. 1sc in 8sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 8. 2sc, 1sc in 6, 2sc, ch1 & turn-10sts.
Row 9. 1sc in 10sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 10. 2sc, 1sc in 8, 2sc, ch1 & turn-12sts.
Row 11. 1sc in 12sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 12. 2sc, 1sc in 10, 2sc, ch1 & turn-14sts.
Row 13. 1sc in 14sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 14. 2sc, 1sc in 12, 2sc, ch1 & turn-16sts,
Row 15. 1sc in 16, ch1 & turn.
Row 16. 2sc, 1sc in 14, 2sc, ch1 & turn-18sts.
Row 17. 1sc in 18sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 18. 2sc, 1sc in 16, 2sc, ch1 & turn-20sts.
Row 19. 1sc in 20sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 20. 2sc, 1sc in 18, 2sc, ch1 & turn-22sts.
Row 21. 1sc in 22sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 22. 2sc, 1sc in 20, 2sc, ch1 & turn-24sts.
Row 23. 1sc in 24sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 24. 1sc in the FLO in each st, ch1 & turn.
Row 25. 1sc in each st, ch1 & turn.
Rows 26-48. repeat row 25
To make the sides of the envelope:
Row 49. 1sc in 24sts, ch1 but do not turn.
Row 50. wk 1sc in 24sts ch1 & turn.
Row 51. 1sc in the FLO in each st, ch1 & turn-24sts.
Row 52. 1sc in 24sts
Row 53. dec1sc, 1sc in 20, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-22sts.
Row 54. 1sc in 22sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 55. dec1sc, 1sc in 18, dec1sc, ch1& turn-20sts.
Row 56. 1sc in 20sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 57. dec1sc, 1sc in 16sts, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-18sts.
Row 58. 1sc in 18sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 59. dec1sc, 1sc in 14, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-16sts.
Row 60. 1sc in 16sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 61. dec1sc, 1sc in 12, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-14sts.
Row 62. 1sc in 14sts and FO.
Repeat on the other side. Turn your piece over so the point is facing down. Attach yarn to the bottom, ch1.
Row 1. wk 1sc in the FLO in 24sts, ch1 & turn.
Rows 2-3. 1sc in each st, ch1 & turn-24sts.
Row 4. dec1sc, 1sc in 20, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-22sts.
Row 5. 1sc in 22sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 6. dec1sc, 1sc in 18, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-20sts.
Row 7. 1sc in 20sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 8. dec1sc, 1sc in 16, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-18sts.
Row 9. 1sc in 18sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 10. dec1sc, 1sc in 14, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-16sts.
Row 11. 1sc in 16sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 12. dec1sc, 1sc in 12, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-14sts.
Row 13. 1sc in 14sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 14. dec1sc, 1sc in 10, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-12sts.
Row 15. 1sc in 12sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 16. dec1sc, 1sc in 8, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-10sts.
Row 17. 1sc in 10sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 18. dec1sc, 1sc in 6, dec1sc, ch1 & turn-8sts.
Row 19. 1sc in 8sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 20. wk 1sc in each st around entire piece and FO.
To join the 2 sides, turn the envelope inside out, wk 1sc the BLO through both sides and FO. Turn it right side out and sew the bottom flap under the 2 sides.
To make the red closure:
Row 1sc in 13sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 2. repeat row 1 and FO.
Sew it to the back and slide top flap through to close envelope.

Materials used to make the Christmas Polar Bear: I used Red Heart Super Saver Yarn
White Yarn
Cherry Red Yarn
Poly Fiber Fill
2 6mm Safety Eyes in Black
Tiny Piece of Black Felt
Needle & Thread
Stitch Marker
F 3.25mm Hook

To make the Christmas Polar Bear: with White Yarn & F Hook
To make the Head:
Row 1. wk 6sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st around-12sts.
Row 3. 1sc in each st-12sts.
Row 4. 1sc, 2sc in the next st around-18sts.
Row 5. 1sc in 18sts
Row 6. 1sc in 2, 2sc in the next st around-24sts.
Row 7. 1sc in 24sts
Row 8. 1sc in 3, 2sc in the next st around-24sts.
Row 9. 1sc in 24sts
Rows 10-13. repeat row 9
Row 14. 1sc in 3, dec1sc around-24sts.
Row 15. 1sc in 2, dec1sc around-18sts.
Counting from the tip of the nose up, put eyes in the 9th row about 3sts apart/stuff head lightly.
Row 16. 1sc in 1, dec1sc around-12sts.
Row 17. dec1sc until closed and FO.

To make the ears: (make 2)
Row 1. 6sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st around-12sts.
Row 3. 1sc in 12sts
Row 4. repeat row 3, FO.
Sew the ears to the head and cut out a tiny piece of black felt to make the nose. Glue in place. 

To make the Body:
Row 1. 6sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st around-12sts.
Row 3. 1sc, 2sc in the next st around-18sts.
Row 4. 1sc in 2, 2sc in the next st around-24sts.
Row 5. 1sc in 3, 2sc in the next st around-30sts.
Row 6. 1sc in 4, 2sc in the next st around-36sts.
Row 7. 1sc in 5, 2sc in the next st around-42sts.
Row 8. 1sc in 6, 2sc in the next st around-48sts,'
Row 9. 1sc in 48sts
Rows 10-29. repeat row 9
Row 30. 1sc in 6, dec1sc around-42sts.
Row 31. 1sc in 5, dec1sc around-36sts.
Row 32. 1sc in 4, dec1sc around-30sts.
Rows 33. 1sc in 30sts
Row 34. 1sc in 3, dec1sc around-24sts.
Stuff Body
Row 35. 1sc in 2, dec1sc around-18sts.
Row 36. 1sc in 1, dec1sc around-12sts.
Row 37. dec1sc until closed and FO.
Sew head to the body.

To make the Legs & Paws: (make 4)
Row 1. wk 7sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st-14sts.
Row 3. 1sc, 2sc in the next st-21sts.
Row 4. 1sc in 2, 2sc in the next st-28sts.
Rows 5-7. 1sc in each st-28sts.
Row 8. dec1sc 7x, 1sc in 14sts-21sts.
Row 9. 1sc in each st around.
Row 10. 1sc in 1, 1sc in 6 in the FLO, 1sc in 14sts-21sts.
Row 11. 1sc in each st around-21sts.
Rows 12-22. repeat row 11
Row 23. 1sc, dec1sc around-14sts.
Row 24. dec1sc until legs are closed and FO.
Leaving the legs opened, sew each leg onto the body.

To make the Scarf: with Cherry Red & F Hook
Row 1. 1sc in 4sts, ch1 & turn.
Repeat until the scarf fits around the neck area like in the picture. I sewed little snow flake buttons on each end of the scarf.

Materials used to make the Christmas Candle:
White Yarn (Both yarns are I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby)
Grey Yarn
1 Paper Towel Roll
Small Piece of Plastic Canvas
Needle and Thread
1 Safe Flameless Tea Light
Stitch Marker
Hot Glue

To make the White & Grey Candle: with Grey Yarn & F Hook
Ch2 use a stitch marker
Row 1. wk 5sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st around-10sts.
Row 3. 1sc, 2sc in the next st around-15sts.
Row 4. 1sc in 2, 2sc in the next st around-20sts.
Row 5. wk 1sc in the FLO around-20sts.
Row 6. 1sc in 20sts around.
Rows 7-12. repeat row 6, at the end of row 12, ch1 & turn.
Row 13. working in the FLO wk 1sc in 1, 2sc in the next st around, join to the 1st sc and FO-30sts.  
Attach White Yarn to the unworked sts in row 13
Row 14. attach yarn with a sl st, ch1 and 1sc in 20sts around.
Rows 15-29. repeat row 14 and FO.
Reattach Grey Yarn with a sl st and ch1 to the unworked sts of row 5.
Row 30. wk 1sc in 3, 2sc in the next st around-25sts.
Row 31. 1sc in 4, 2sc in the next st around-30sts.
Row 32. 1sc in 5, 2sc in the next st around-35sts.
Row 33. 1sc in 6, 2sc in the next st around-40sts.
Row 34. 1sc in 7, 2sc in the next st around-45sts and FO.
To make the Bottom Piece:
Row 1. wk 5sc in the 2nd st from the hook.
Row 2. 2sc in each st around-10sts.
Row 3. 1sc, 2sc in the next st around-15sts.
Row 4. 1sc in 2, 2sc in the next st around-20sts.
Then repeat rows 30-34 (work through both loops)
Row 5. wk 1sc in the FLO all the way around.
Row 6. 1sc in each st, wk 1sl st in the last and FO.
Once you have both pieces done cut out a piece of plastic canvas and put it between the 2, wk 1sc through both pieces and FO.

To make the small ring: with C Hook
wk 1sl st in each st and FO. Sew the 2 ends together to make a ring. Sew the ring to the candle base.
To put the candle together: Slice the tube in the middle to open it up. Cut the tube to the length needed.

Place the light inside the tube and tape the sides together. Remember you don't want to tape it to tight, you will have to remove the light to turn it on and off. Stuff the tube with poly fiber fill, push the tube down inside the white part of the candle. Place the light on top. 

This Completes the Free Crochet Christmas Accessories Patterns©
These patterns are for personal use.
Characters, Photos, Patterns & Designs Copyright Protected
All Rights Reserved.
Connie's Spot© Connie Hughes Designs©

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Wholesale Ribbons & Trims

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Free Crochet Christmas Pillow Patterns©

Free Crochet Christmas Pillow Patterns©
By Connie Hughes Designs©
Blast from the Past!
Here's a couple of my older Free Christmas Pillow Patterns to Enjoy!

Yarns & other materials used:                                                  
Red Heart Yarns in                     
Spearmint Green
Paddy Green

Holiday Buttons(at Michael’s Craft Store)
Sewing and Tapestry Needles
Matching Threads    
Red Ribbon                                          
Hook Sizes
4.5, D, G, E, F

Fire Place Christmas Pillow with a 4.5 Hook
With spearmint color Red Heart yarn or whatever goes with your décor. Make 2

Row 1.Wk 1hdc in the second ch from the hook, ch 1 & turn-48sts.
Repeat until it measures about 10 inches.
Take both panels of the pillow and wk through both pieces, 1sc in each st around, leaving an opening for stuffing. Stuff lightly and continue closing but do not FO.

For the Cathedral Trim around the pillow
Ch 1 wk 1sc in the first st, sk 2 sts, wk 4tr sts in the third st, ch 3 wk 1sc in the second st from the hook, wk 4tr sts in the same st, sk 2 sts, wk 1sc in the next st. Repeat this all the way around and FO.

To make the white fire place, with white yarn and a 4.5
Ch 38
Row 1.Wk 1hdc in the second ch from hook and in each st across, ch 1 and turn-36sts.
Rows 2-4. Repeat row 1-36sts.
Row 5. 1hdc in 12 sts, change to Buff yarn and wk 1hdc in the next 12 sts, change to white and wk 1hdc in the last 12 sts, ch 1 & turn-36sts.
Rows 6-11. Repeat row 5-36sts.

With white yarn wk 1sc around the entire piece and FO.
With Buff yarn and a C or D hook
Make a ch long enough to go around the inside of the fire place, FO and sew in place with a needle and thread.

To make the log, with Café Latte’ with a G hook
Ch 10
Row 1. Wk 1ch in each st across-9sts.
Rows 2-5. Repeat row 1, roll up like a log and sew in place.

To make the Flames with Red and Orange and a E or F hook
With the 2 strands together

Ch 10
Row 1. Wk 1sc in each st, ch 1 and turn-9sts.
Row 2. Wk 1sc in the first st, ch 4 wk 1 sc in the next 3 sts, 1sc in the st, ch 5 wk 1sc in the next 4 sts, 1sc in the next, ch 5 wk 1sc in the next 4 sts, 1sc in the next st, ch 4 1sc in the next 4 sts and FO.
Sew on top of the log and to the wall of the fire place.

For the Garland around the top part of fire place, with a G hook
Make 2 in Red & Green
Ch 3 wk 1dc in the last st on the ch, repeat until you have enough to drape over the fire place and about 3 to 4” of over hang. Lightly wrap them around each other and sew in place with a slight swag in the front. Sew the snow flakes, stockings and the little red flowers. Sew the extra buttons on like they are sitting on the top part of the fire place.

To make the stockings: with red & green yarn and a D or G hook
Ch 4
Row 1. Wk 1sc in each st, ch 1 and turn.
Row2-6. Repeat row 1
Row 7. 1sc in next 2 sts, 2hdc in the next,

Row 8. Wk 2hdc in the first st , 1hdc in the next, 1sc, 1 sl st in the last st, FO.

To make the white cuff: attach white yarn with a sl st, wk 1sc in 3sts including the sl st, ch 1 and turn, do 3 or 4 rows, and fold over the front of each stocking and sew in place.

To make the wreath, with Green yarn and a G hook

Ch 34
Join with a sl st and ch1
Row 1. wk 1sc in each st around, join and ch 1-3sts.
Rows 2-3. Repeat row 1 and FO.

With matching thread sew the inside of the wreath closed. With a tapestry needle thread with ribbon and push through wreath and tie a bow. Sew in the wreath above the fire place.©

"Santa Ornament Pillow Pattern"
 These look so cute together!

The Santa Ornament Pillow
This one is actually two pieces, then I stitched them together...I wanted
one cohesive piece and sometimes decreasing leaves those holes.

With Red Heart Yarn in Cherry Red, G hook
 Crochet in the round.
This is the bottom half of the pillow.
Ch 2
Row 1. 6sc in the 2nd ch from the hook-6
Row 2. 2sc in eah st around-12
Row 3. 1sc in the 1st st, 2sc in the next, repeat-18
Row 4. 1sc in the 2sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-24
Row 5. 1sc in the 1st 3 sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-30
Row 6. 1sc in 4sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-36
Row 7. 1sc in the next 5 sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-42
Row 8. 1sc in 6 sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-48
Row 9. 1sc in 7, 2 in the next, repeat-54
Row 10. 1sc 8 sts, 2sc in the next, repeat-60
Row 11. 1sc in 9 sts, 2 in the next, repeat-66
Row 12. 1sc in 10 sts, 2sc in the next st, repeat-72
Row 13. 1sc in each st around-72
Rows 14-24. Repeat row 13 and FO.

To make the top half:
Repeat rows 1 through 12 of the bottom half.
 Row 13. 1sc in each st around-72
Rows 14-20. Repeat row 13 and FO.

Sc both pieces together, leaving a space for stuffing.
When stuffed stitch closed. The belt will cover the seam.

For the belt, with Red Heart Black Yarn:
Ch 6
Row 1. wk 1sc in each st-5
Continue until your belt reaches all the way around and sew in place.

The belt buckle: make 2
Lion Brand Yarn Vanna's Glamour Yarn in Gold
Ch 9
wk 1sc in 7, 2sc in the last st.st-9
Ch 7
wk 1sc in 6 sts, wk lsl st in the last st on the last row and FO.
Repeat, and sew in place.

To make the top piece and hook on top of pillow, with an F Hook
Ch 2
Row 1. wk 6sc in the 2nd chain from the hook-6
Row 2. wk 2sc in each st around-12
Row 3. 1sc in the BLO in each st-12
Rows 4-5. 1sc in each st and FO.
Lightly stuff and sew on top of ball.

To make the hook, with Red Heart Yarn in Grey Heather, E or an F Hook
Ch 25
wk 1sl st in 6 ch sts, wk 2 sl sts in the next 2sts, sl st in each st and FO.
Sew the hook on to the top piece.

This Completes the Free Crochet Christmas Pillow Patterns©
This pattern is for personal use.
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