"Snow Globes"
How to Make Snow Globes by Connie's Spot©
I love snow globes...and I have thought about making some
for a long time now but I always find myself to busy doing something...
well not this year...so here are the one's I've made...
they are so pretty when the light hits them.
This little Bride & Groom is one of my favorites...
I got this figurine at Walmart.
This guy I love also...he cost a little more...
I got him at Michael's Craft Store,
The little trees are so simple, but look so pretty and only cost
.75 cents at Walmart!
I love this guy on the bike...he was to big to fit in any of
my jars...so my husband trimmed him a little in the
front and the back so he would fit...I love him.
This one reminded me of the story about the little girl
who wrote to Macy's asking if there really is a Santa...
so I had to have it!
This is a super tiny Nativity that fit inside this
baby food jar...well that is all I have for now...hope you get inspired
and try something you've wanting to do and just haven't found the
time to do it...best wishes to all and to all a good night!
How To Instructions:
First clean your jars inside and out...some of my jars
still had labels on them so I used Goo Gone...and it
really works!
With a little sand paper rough up the lids and
the back side of your figurines.
I put hot glue on the back of my figurine and on the lid...let
the glue really heat up...hold in place until the glue sets.
Use distilled water (I got mine at Walmart, and most of the figurines
came from there too, they were very inexpensive).
The glycerin will help with the glitter...
you can find it in the cake dept in most craft stores...
it makes the water a little thicker...
just add a few drops and stir...
fill the jars up pretty full.
I decorated my jars with trim, ribbons, rick-rack and buttons...I really
love how they look...and this is a super easy project...the little
one's will love helping you...just glue the stuff on and
watch the magic happen!
Kids love snow globes...you can even let the kids pick some of
their plastic toys and glue them down...those little Star Wars toys
would be perfect for some adorable little boy to make...and those little
plastic princess dolls for the girls...be creative and I hope you all have
a wonderful time making your
By Connie Hughes Designs©
We've decided to make it easy for everyone to find my
"Crochet Christmas Patterns"
So I consolidated them in one post!
Crochet Soda Pop Bottle Christmas Lantern Patterns©
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Christmas Gingerbread Crochet Doll Family Pattern©
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Chip & Cookie Gingerbread Crochet Doll Pattern©
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Crochet Christmas Grinch Inspired Dolls & Chair Pattern©
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Christmas Gingerbread House©, Halloween Haunted House©
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Bells the Christmas Elf Pattern©
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Christmas Mouse Nutcracker & Doll Pattern©
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Jingle the Christmas Elf Crochet Doll Pattern©
Is Only $1.99 Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included
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Here's a Few More Very Popular Patterns
That make Great Christmas Presents!!
By Connie Hughes Designs©
Classic Crochet Rag Dolls Pattern©
This Classic Rag Doll Pattern© Comes with Mom, Dad and a wee little one! Pattern includes all the clothing you see here + a full picture tutorial! These dolls are quite easy to make... they're very sturdy and perfect for play & All for Only $1.99 Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included
Just Click on the Buy Now Button Below
Little Miss Mindy Mouse Pattern©
She’s just perfect for Christmas or that new Mommy or for a baby shower!
This little mouse pattern is very easy to make and can be made in just a few hours!
This pattern is Only $2.49 Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included
Special Offer Mindy Mouse Ring Toss Hat Pattern© Included With Your Little Mindy Mouse© Dolls Pattern Purchase!! Now available at Connie's Spot© Shop here's the link:
Kelli Doll© & Devon & Darcy Monkey Dolls Pattern©
One Pattern Makes All Three Dolls, All the Clothes & Accessories for Only $3.99
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Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to All!!
Connie’s Spot©
Connie Hughes Designs©
Connie Hughes Owner/Designer
Characters, Photos, Patterns & Designs
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