Welcome to Connie's Spot

The Above Picture is some of Connie's Spot© Crochet Patterns© All Patterns are Available at my Shop on ETSY Welcome to the Multiple Award-Winning Connie's Spot© & Connie Hughes Designs© Crocheting Blog! Check out Connie's New Endeavor Paper Crafting-Journals!! Now in our 12th Year We Want to Thank All Our Customers/Friends Who Have Helped Us Grow with Thousands of Pattern Sales/Downloads, and Over "ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS" from All Over the World!!!

If you are new to Connie's Spot© make sure to take the time to follow Connie's Spot© Her Paid Patterns are available at her shop on Etsy. Check out Connie's Spot© Blog Archive of 280+Posts!! That includes Free Crochet Patterns from Connie Hughes Designs© Free Recipes, New Paper Crafting-Journals, Decorating Tips, & Poetry!

As always Connie's Spot© is free of Pop-Ups and Ads...So take your time and explore her blog post archives its loaded with gems...most of all enjoy! Thanks for Visiting Connie's Spot© Blog!!

Connie's Spot© Crocheting & Connie Hughes Designs© Characters, Photo's, Designs & Patterns are All Copyright© Protected All Rights Reserved.

Shop Connies Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handmade Journals on Etsy!!

Shop Connies Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handmade Journals on Etsy!!
Shop Connies Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handmade Journals on Etsy!! https://conniesspot.etsy.comShop Connie's Spot© and Connie Hughes Designs© Crochet Patterns & Handcrafted Journals on Etsy!! Now Over 1000 Sales of Finished Products & Patterns, Plus Over 100 5-Star Reviews!! To All Our Customers Thank You!!! Just Click on the Picture above to take you to my shop on Etsy!

Over ONE MILLION PAGE VIEWS!! To All Our Friends, Followers Customers & Visitors Welcome!!

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Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!!
Connie's Spot© Awarded the Feed Spot Top 100 Crochet Blog Award!! I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Connie's Spot© has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Crochet Blogs on the Web!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded Top 80 Crochet Blog Award!!

Connie's Spot© Awarded Top 80 Crochet Blog Award!!
"Top 80 Crochet Blogs" By AmsterdamDiary.com: Originality★★★★ Design★★★★★ Social Media★★★★★

Connie's Spot©

Connie's Spot©
Recipient of the One Lovely Blog Award...Thank You Crochet is the Way!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Poem:The Forgotten Woman©

I use to take Communion to the elderly a few years back
and there was one little woman, who tugged at my heart...in fact it was really hard to visit her
because she was so sad...time after time she
would tell me that her daughter was coming and going to take her out of this nursing home...but truth was her daughter was the one who put her in the home...I'm not saying right or wrong...sometimes in life we have to make tough choices...but sometimes we forget that even the
little things in life can mean so much
to the one's who love us...I didn't know that kind of loneliness or ever experience it at this level...she felt so alone...she's gone now but not really forgotten...especially by the one's who called her

Poem Written By Connie Hughes©

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Notes

I found this little book at
 Micheal's Craft Store
I just love it,
 it's like a diary but not...
My husband and I are always
leaving post it notes for
each other in the morning,
but post it notes are hard to
keep and some of the messages you
want to hang on to,
so now we write those notes in
this little book...
Now I can keep the
love messages forever
We both look forward to
checking the
book every morning!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine Jar Toppers©

Valentine Jar Toppers©
Makes A Great little Valentine!
I love making these...
they are a lot of fun and so easy to make
and people love getting them.
Fill it with their favorite treats!
The free pattern for the toppers is
the same one as the coasters...
I have this big bag of buttons,
so I added some on to my toppers!
After I made the center heart,
I single crocheted
all the way around and then
I crocheted in the back loops only,
giving it a little depth!
This one is my little double decker!
This one was super easy
I just made it to wrap around my jar
like a head band and then sewed the hearts on!
Here is the free pattern
I used to make the Hearts:
Ch 4 wk 3tr into the first ch, 3dc, ch 1,
1tr, ch 1, 3dc, 3tr, ch3, ch 3, sl st
into center and fasten off.
Happy Crocheting!
By Connie Hughes©

A Day In Seattle

A day in Seattle
Of course you can't go to Seattle and not
see the needle!
At Pike's Market there are so many
shops...you can find almost anything under
the sun in this place...I love the
Antique Shops
 KOMO 4 News and their helicopter
One of the many ferry boats...
we have yet to do...I'm going
to though this summer
 This is a sculpture near the
Pacific Science Center
This oddly shaped building is the
Seattle Music Experience
This is the famous Monorail
The famous fish market
they were throwing fish around but
really hard to get a picture
 They have a string attached to
this ugly guy
and whenever anyone gets to close
they pull the string...and then everyone
laughs at you
 The Big Wheel
This is why I wanted to go to Seattle
I had not seen the wheel before...this is the
175-feet tall Ferris-wheel-like attraction 
 on Seattle's waterfront
 It's completely enclosed...
of course because it
 rains all the time!!
 The views are great at night

 The old Merry-Go-Round
is gorgeous...it's in the Westlake Center
Frank and the boys looking out the

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rose Bud Valentine Basket©

Well it's almost Valentine's Day
I made a little Rose Bud Valentine Basket©
and filled it with little pouches
of M&M's and wrapped cookies
with little red ribbon!
These cute little envelopes are really easy to make and you
can find the pattern on
the Lion Brand Yarn website
"Valentine Envelope"

I added some cute embellishments
 to my envelopes
I crocheted a vine around the handle
and one side of my basket, added
my roses and some leaves!
Happy Crocheting!
By Connie Hughes©

Friday, February 1, 2013

Darrell Scott's Poem

This is a poem written by Darrell Scott
His daughter was Rachel Joy Scott
she was a student at Columbine High School
 She was killed when two fellow students
went on a shooting rampage!
Darrell was invited to address... the
 House Judiciary Committee's
subcommittee on gun violence.
He read this poem at that meeting.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
 Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!

"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes Now available on my Etsy Shop!

"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes Now available on my Etsy Shop!
"Ladies & Gentlemen Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes, I have to say this is one of my favorites for sure. I really love this one, because it's a great size. Big enough to write on and small enough to carry inside a bag and take it with you. Now available on my Etsy Shop!

"From the Soil to the Soul Fall Harvest Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes

"From the Soil to the Soul Fall Harvest Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes
"From the Soil to the Soul Fall Harvest Journal" Handcrafted by Connie Hughes Fall is upon us, and this handcrafted journal highlights all of the beautiful colors of fall and is dedicated to this wonderful time of the year! Big enough to write on and small enough to carry inside a bag and take it with you. Now available on my Etsy Shop!!

Christmas Snow Globe Journal Handcrafted by Connie Hughes

Christmas Snow Globe Journal Handcrafted by Connie Hughes
This Christmas Snow Globe Journal is just fun to write down Your Holiday Memories, Your Christmas Wishes and More! Now available on my Etsy Shop!

Chef Basil & Rosemary Dolls Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Chef Basil & Rosemary Dolls Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
If you know someone who loves to cook or loves those chef guys like I do then you will love this super easy pattern... it's just loaded with pictures and easy instructions to follow! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Crochet Christmas Grinch Inspired Dolls & Chair Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Crochet Christmas Grinch Inspired Dolls & Chair Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
Who doesn't love this guy and this sweet little girl...and he's got his own Santa Chair to boot! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Jingle the Christmas Elf Crochet Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©

Jingle the Christmas Elf Crochet Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©
Here's Jingle the Christmas Elf© He's 30" tall perfect for display or just for hugging...he's super fun and a little quirky too! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

The Christmas Mouse Nutcracker & Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©

The Christmas Mouse Nutcracker & Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©
Christmas Mouse Nutcracker stands about 19” tall…and he really stands on his own! I added a variation so it can be a plushy doll as well. Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Bells the Christmas Elf Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©

Bells the Christmas Elf Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©
Why is she called Bells? Because she has bells from the top of her head right down to the tips of her feet! Her face is so sweet and little girls love her! She makes a Great Christmas Decoration as well. Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Gingerbread Crochet Doll Family Pattern© + Gingerbread Wreath Tutorial by Connie Hughes Designs©

Gingerbread Crochet Doll Family Pattern© + Gingerbread Wreath Tutorial by Connie Hughes Designs©
It just wouldn't be Christmas without Gingerbread...so get your hooks ready...this pattern comes with a picture tutorial for making the Christmas Gingerbread Wreath too...perfect to hang in your kitchen! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Chip & Cookie Christmas Gingerbread Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©

Chip & Cookie Christmas Gingerbread Doll Pattern© by Connie Hughes Designs©
"Christmas Lantern Pattern" Now Included!! Turn on your ovens it's Gingerbread time. This is "Chip & Cookie Christmas Gingerbread Dolls", and they are 25" Tall!! They are perfect for display, or you can simply make adorable plush dolls...the pattern comes with a step-by-step picture tutorial...and honestly you won't believe how easy they are to make! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Crochet Christmas Gingerbread House Connies Portable Doll House Halloween Haunted House Patterns©

Crochet Christmas Gingerbread House Connies Portable Doll House Halloween Haunted House Patterns©
by Connie Hughes Designs© Pattern includes All Three Houses Plus All Crochet Accessories Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included.

Crochet Christmas Soda Pop Bottle Lantern Patterns© by Connie Hughes Designs©

Crochet Christmas Soda Pop Bottle Lantern Patterns© by Connie Hughes Designs©
Crochet Christmas Lantern Collection! Santa Claus, Snowman and of course an Elf. Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Henry Hugglemonster Inspired Hats Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Henry Hugglemonster Inspired Hats Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
These hats are all toddler sizes and the little baby one is 3 to 6 months! One pattern makes all 6 of these hats!! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Caillou Inspired Crochet Doll, Cat & Hat Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Caillou Inspired Crochet Doll, Cat & Hat Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
It's a Doll, a Hat, and a Cat!! This pattern is all 3 packed into 1. I've had Customers ask me if I would make something for little boys as well as the girls...so I thought that this was a good one since he appeals to both girls & boys! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Prince Alvary© Princess Amelia© Dolls & the Castle Blanket Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Prince Alvary© Princess Amelia© Dolls & the Castle Blanket Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
Prince Alvary© Doll Measures 12 ½” Princess Amelia© Doll Measures 11 ½” The Castle Blanket Measures about 28” X 21” This Pattern is for both dolls & the Castle Blanket! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Spike & Pinky© Monster Rock Band Doll Pattern© + Matching Hats Pattern By Connie Hughes Designs©

Spike & Pinky© Monster Rock Band Doll Pattern© + Matching Hats Pattern By Connie Hughes Designs©
This pattern covers everything pictured above. The Dolls, Guitar, Full Drum Set and the Matching Rocker Monster Hats! Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included

Handbag Baby Bow Satchel Purse Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©

Handbag Baby Bow Satchel Purse Pattern© By Connie Hughes Designs©
Handbag Baby Bow Satchel Purse Pattern© One Pattern Two Unique Purses!! Pattern is Fun-Easy! Perfect for girls ages 4 & Up, Instant Digital Download: 1 PDF included