Saturday, June 7, 2014

Martini Pillows Free Crochet Pattern©

"Martini's Are Not Just To Drink"
I love pillows and I really love to make pillows...
The only thing I like more is to keep it simple...and these are just that!
Here's Another Quick & Easy Free Pattern by Connie Hughes Designs©
Martini Pillows Free Crochet Pattern©
Great for a Sun Deck, patio, or Porch!
Pattern Level Easy and Fun!
This is a Free Pattern for personal use.
You may sell the products you make from
Martini Pillows Free Crochet Pattern©
Do not sell, this is pattern Copyright protected.
Please give Connie Hughes Designs© Creative Credit.
Thank You and Happy Crocheting!
With White Yarn, use an F Hook
To make the small Martini Pillow: (make 2 front & back panels)

Wk 1hdc in the 2nd st from the hook and in each st across, ch1 & turn.
Continue until it measures about 12inches across and FO only the 1st panel.
Ch1 and wk 1sc around in each st, put the 2 panels together and wk 1sc around both
pieces stuff and FO.
To make the Bobble st trim: With Spring Green &Turquoise Yarn
With the 2 strands together wk a dc bobble st, but only do 2sts all the way around, 1sc in the next st and FO.
To make the letters, I printed out some block lettering online. Glue them in place with some fabric glue or hot glue.

To make the pillow with the Martini Glass Applique: (With White yarn make 2)
Wk 1hdc in the 2nd st from the hook and in each st across, ch1 & turn.
Repeat until measures about 10 to 11inches. Wk this one exactly as you do the 1st one.
To make the trim: Turquoise Yarn and an H Hook
Wk 1backwards crochet st all the way around and FO.
To make the Applique: with Turquoise Yarn an F Hook
Row 1. Wk 2sc in st, ch1 & turn.
Row 2. 2sc in 1st st, 2sc in the next, ch1 & turn.
Row 3. 1sc in 4sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 4. 2sc, 1sc in 2sts, 2sc in the next, ch1 & turn.
Row 5. 1sc in 6sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 6. 2sc, 1sc in 4sts, 2sc, ch1 & turn.
Row 7. 1sc in 8sts, ch1 & turn.
Row 8. 2sc, 1sc in 6sts, 2sc, ch1 & turn.
Row 9. 1sc in 10sts and FO.
To make the stem: use a smaller Hook like D or an E
Wk 2dc bobble sts in the last ch st, wk 1sl st in the same st.
Ch3 and repeat until the stem measures about 3inches.
To make the bottom piece: with an F Hook:
Wk 1sc in each st, ch1 & turn.
Dec1, 1sc in 8sts, dec1 and FO. Sew it in place under the stem.
I sewed on a small charm to make it look like a glass marker.

To make the big pillow: With Spring Geen an F Hook (make 2 panels)
Make a Ch as long as you would like your pillow to be. Mine is about 12inches.
Wk 1hdc in the 2nd st from the hook, and in each st across.
Repeat until you have about 24 to 25 rows. Join the panels the same way you did the
other 2 pillows.
To make the ruffle: with a I Hook and Turquoise Yarn
Wk 3dc in each st all the way around. Change  to Spring Green Yarn.
Wk 1dc in each st around, and change back to Turquoise and wk 1dc in each st around and FO.

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