Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gru and Little Minions from Despicable Me Cake Tutorial

Here's my Gru and Little Minions Cake Tutorial!
I am not a cake decorator and there maybe easier
ways of doing this but this is how I made mine...
It's really important to remember to keep your hands clean...
and when making the different colors wear gloves...
I use those blue surgical ones. You will use a lot of them...
I love the rolled fondant & Icing colors made by "Wilton"

How to make Gru
(Gru was challenging to make but
the Minions were fun and very easy)
With a good size of white fondant
make Gru's body,
shape it like a long tear drop narrower
at the ends, because his legs are
so skinny and then I inserted a
skinny wooden dowel!
Color your fondant with black coloring!
 Knead the black color into the
white fondant, pull it like the candy
makers do when making taffy! 
Roll out a thin piece of fondant,
cut it to make it cleaner
looking when you put it on!
Wrap the fondant around the leg
portion of the body!
Then do the same for the top half!
With a sharp knife lightly cut into the fondant to make his legs!
Gently push the legs together...
then you won't even see the cut mark!
Use a few little drops of black food coloring to make his gray zipper and scarf!  
His zipper, gently cut the fondant it at the end of where the sweater ends!
Cut a skinny piece to make his scarf!
Place the scarf around him,
you can paint the stripes on or 
 you can cut tiny stripes with black
and secure with a dab of water
for each stripe! To make his arms roll
out two tubes, place on shoulders to
 go behind his back so you don't have
to make hands,

To make Gru's head I used a Copper color for his skin,
you only need a little...a little goes a long way!
 After you make the round ball cut a piece
off to make his head flat on the bottom!
With a tiny piece of skin color fondant place one piece on each side of head,
use a paint brush and place a dab of water on each side of head to secure
the earswith a tooth pick make a tiny whole to make them look more real!
For the nose shape a piece of fondant like a long tear drop,
use a small dab of water to secure,
to make the nostrils use a tooth pick and push lightly on each side!
Make some little holes for his eyes!
 With white make little round balls and
place them inside the holes on his head, with a tiny piece of brown fondant
placed on top to make his eyes!
I dipped a tooth pick into my black
food coloring to make his pupil!
with some lite brown make his eyebrows!
 Brush on a little water and place them above his eyes!
I kept this photo in to show how
important it is to keep your hands clean!

Now for the Minion's Like you did above,
color your fondant with yellow
and shape it like a Minion!

 Then using blue coloring,
make the over-all's and roll it out
and cut it into a square!
 Place it on the bottom half of the body pressing the ends
together and cutting away the excess!
Press it out to make it smooth! 
Cut out a small piece of fondant make
the bib part, make one for front and back!
Roll out two small pieces of fondant to make the shoulder straps,
dab a small drop of water on each side!
Cut out a pocket and place it on
the front just under the bib!
Roll up two very small balls for fondant and place them in the front of overalls...
with a tooth pick make tiny little holes to make them look like buttons!
Roll out white balls for eyes and
secure with a tiny dab of water!
Use a small piece of brown to make
his eyes, secure with drop of water!
With gray roll out a tube shape and
make the goggles, again use a tiny
amount of water to secure!
Do the same to make the head strap!
With a tooth pick poke little holes in the overalls to make it look like stitching!
With yellow make the arms and place a little piece of black for the hands...
secure with a drop of water!
With black roll out a tube shape and fold it in half to make the shoes,
secure with water and place your Minion on top!
I made my moon with rice crispy treats
and rolled out some long pieces of
white to make the moon craters...
I did the same to make the rope!
With black I made the little rocks to
place around the moon!
 I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions please feel free
to send me an email or leave a comment in the comment section...
I love making a loved one feel special...
and it's awesome when you see
a little kid's eyes light up when the cake comes into the room!

I have made several cakes over the years and I have learned a few things:
 fondant does not like water so use it sparingly, I use a tiny paint brush,
store in a plastic container with lid, and keep in a cool place,
Do Not Refrigerate! 
Happy Baking Connie!
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Here are a Couple of Connie Hughes Designs© Minion Inspired Patterns
 Just click on the buy now button:

Yellow Siren & French Maid Hat Patterns©

 Purple Monster Hat and Removable Goggles Pattern©
Minion Inspired Purse+Backpack Pattern©

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